PowerShell script to change locale for all sites

In response to a user post on Windows 2008 Forums I wrote this PowerShell script to change the locale (regional settings) for each site in a given site collection, as by default the locale is set to en-US (United States).  It leverages the Get-SPWeb command to enumerate sub-sites.  Here is the script:

# ======================================================
# SharePoint 2010 PowerShell script to change the locale
# setting for all sites within a given Site collection
# Author  : David Webb
# Date    : 3rd August 2013
# Version : 1.0
# ======================================================

# -------------
# Set variables
# -------------

$Site = "http://intranet"
$NewLocale = "en-GB"

$Webs = Get-SPWeb -Site $Site

# ------------
# Begin script
# ------------

ForEach ($Web In $Webs)
   If ($Web.locale -ne $NewLocale)
      Write-Host $Web.title "- " -NoNewLine; Write-Host "changing from" $Web.locale "to" $NewLocale -ForegroundColor "Green"
      $Web.Locale = $NewLocale
      Write-Host $Web.title "- " -NoNewLine; Write-Host "already set to" NewLocale -ForegroundColor "Blue"

And here is a screenshot of the output, colour coded to make it easier to read:


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