SharePoint 2013 – configuring the Workflow Service
Today I have installed the SharePoint 2013 Workflow Management Service, as out of the box I can only create SharePoint 2010 Workflows in SharePoint Designer.
Before starting I have:
- Created a service account in Active Directory and added it to the local IIS_IUSRS group on the SharePoint server
- Created an A record in my DNS domain (workflow.mydomain.local)
- Added the new host to the BackConnectionHostNames registry key (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\MSV1_0)
Now onto the installation and configuration…
1. Download the installer from and run the executable.
2. When the installer starts click Install
3. Accept the license agreement
4. Choose whether or not to use Microsoft Update and click Continue
5. Wait for the installer
6. Click Continue to perform additional actions
7. Choose to Configure Workflow Manager with Default Settings
8. Enter details of the SQL instance and logon credentials. Also input the certificate generation key for the farm. Click Next.
9. Check the settings in the summary screen and click Apply
10. Click Close when the process is finished
Note: I verified the installation had created new SQL databases:
- SbGatewayDatabase
- SbManagementDB
- SBMessageContainer01
- WFInstanceManagementDB
- WFManagementDB
- WFResourceManagementDB
It has also created a new IIS site named Workflow Management Site:
11. Run the following PowerShell command to register the service with SharePoint:
Register-SPWorkflowService –SPSite http://sharepoint.mydomain.local –WorkflowHostUri http://workflow.mydomain.local:12291 -AllowOAuthHttp
Now, in SharePoint Designer, I can see an option to create a SharePoint 2013 workflow: