Recreate the sitemap in the configuration database
I have just installed the latest cumulative update on the servers in my SharePoint 2013 DR farm. Unfortunately, after installing the binaries, running the products configuration wizard failed. After looking through the logs it became evident that the site map in the DR farm was out of date, so any new sites in the content database were considered orphaned. I found lots of entries like this in the error log:
Database [SP2013_Content_MySites] contains a site (Id = [GUID], Url = [/personal/john_smith]) that is not found in the site map. Consider detach and reattach the database
I was able to update the site map using the following PowerShell commands:
$ContentDB = Get-SPDatabase | Where {$_.Name -Eq "SP2013_Content_MySites"} $ContentDB.RefreshSitesInConfigurationDatabase()
Now the site map has been updated the product configuration wizard completes successfully.
This is very helpful post, saving me time searching for answer.