PowerShell Script to list services running on all servers in a farm

I have written the following script to list the services running on each server in a SharePoint farm and their status, utilising the Get-SPServer cmdlet.

<# --------------------------------------------

SharePoint 2010 PowerShell script to list the 
services running on each server in a farm.

File    : ListServices.PS1 
Author  : David Webb 
Date    : 19/10/2013
Version : 1.0

Revision history: 
1.0 Initial version

--------------------------------------------- #>

# ------------- 
# Set variables 
# -------------

$Servers = Get-SPServer

# ------------ 
# Begin script 
# ------------

ForEach ($Server in $Servers) 
   Write-Host "Services running on" $Server.Name "..." 
   $Table = New-Object System.Data.DataTable "$Server.Name"

   $Column1 = New-Object System.Data.DataColumn "Service",([String]) 
   $Column2 = New-Object System.Data.DataColumn "Status",([String])


   $Services = $Server.ServiceInstances

   ForEach ($Service in $Services) 
      $Row = $Table.NewRow() 
      $Row.Service = $Service.TypeName 
      $Row.Status = $Service.Status 

   $Table | Format-Table –AutoSize 

And here is a screenshot of the script in action:


Feel free to copy the code and use the script as you see fit (at your own risk of course, I can not and will not take responsibility for any undesired outcome).

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