"Sorry, something went wrong" when a user tries to edit their profile
I have had users report that they are unable to edit their profile, they just get the unhelpful “Sorry, something went wrong” error. Fortunately some of them thought to record the Correlation ID so I was able to use the…
Installing Reporting Services for SharePoint 2013 to support Power View
Today I am installing Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS) to enable the Power View feature in SharePoint 2013. There are three steps to this process: Install, register and start Reporting Services Report Server Create a Reporting Services Service…
SharePoint 2013 – configuring the Workflow Service
Today I have installed the SharePoint 2013 Workflow Management Service, as out of the box I can only create SharePoint 2010 Workflows in SharePoint Designer. Before starting I have: Created a service account in Active Directory and added it to…
Unknown SQL Exception 297 occurred
While monitoring the ULS logs on a SharePoint 2010 server I could see the following message being logged every few minutes for each and every database: Unknown SQL Exception 297 occurred. Additional error information from SQL Server is included below. The…
Failed to connect to the configuration database when adding a server to a farm
While adding a new server to an existing SharePoint 2010 farm, to be used as a web front end (WFE) server, I encountered the following error: Failed to connect to the configuration database. An exception of type System.ArgumentNullException was thrown. …
Enable FILESTREAM and provision a Remote Blob Store
Binary large objects, known as BLOBs, are used to store large binary data such as Office documents and media. By default BLOBs are stored in the content database on the SQL server. Today I am going to enable FILESTREAM on…
Example SQL query to backup a database to disk
This sample SQL query can be executed to backup a site collection database to a file, where WSS_Content_Intranet is the name of the database used by the Site Collection. Use WSS_Content_Intranet DBCC Shrinnkfile (‘WSS_Content_Intranet’) DBCC Shrinnkfile (‘WSS_Content_Intranet_log’) Go Backup Database WSS_Content_Intranet To Disk…
File-Level Antivirus Scanning and SharePoint 2010
In order to prevent unexpected behaviour or performance issues I am going to exclude various files and folders from scanned by my Antivirus software. This process will differ depending on the Antivirus solution in place so instead of providing a…