"Sorry, something went wrong" when a user tries to edit their profile
I have had users report that they are unable to edit their profile, they just get the unhelpful “Sorry, something went wrong” error. Fortunately some of them thought to record the Correlation ID so I was able to use the Merge-SPLogFile cmdlet to generate a single log file and open it in ULS Viewer.
To my surprise a SQL login error caught my eye referencing the search database:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Cannot open database "SP2013_Search" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'MYDOMAIN\SP_ProfilesAppPool'.
I logged in to the SQL server and checked the permissions on the SP2013_Search database . The SP_ProfilesAppPool user did not have permission to access this database so I added it. Users still received an error when trying edit their profile but the error in the log had changed to suggest it was unable to execute a stored procedure:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'proc_MSS_GetSchemaHighLevelInfo', database 'SP2013_Search', schema 'dbo'.
After a quick chat with a DBA colleague I executed the following query on the SP2013_Search database:
Grant Execute On proc_MSS_GetSchemaHighLevelInfo to "MYDOMAIN\SP_ProfilesAppPool"
This solved the problem! Users are now able to edit their profiles!
Thanks! It helped me a lot. But.. such a strange issue, who or what has removed this permissions..we will never know..