SharePoint 2013 – Sign in as a different user

In SharePoint 2013 Microsoft removed the ‘Sign in as a different user’ option.  Whilst there are a number of ways to get it back, some of them are unsupported.  My preferred method is to use the Alt Login feature by Kaboodle as it is free and easy to use.

To install the feature at a farm level follow these instructions:

1. Download the zipfile and extract the contents

2. Open the SharePoint Management Shell and issue the following command (replacing the path with your own):

Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath “E:\\”

3. Now issue this command:

Install-SPSolution -Identity -GACDeployment


The feature should now be available, and active, on the Manage Farm Features page in Central Administration.


The link is now available on all sites within the farm.


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