SharePoint 2013 – User Profile Synchronization Service not starting
While trying to start the User Profile Synchronization Service the status showed as Starting for about a minute then went straight back to Stopped. The ULS log, filtered by ‘User Profiles’ category, contained the following entries:
SetupFIMBuildSpecificRegistryKeys: Exception trying to
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the registry key
is denied.
ProfileSynchronizationService: Provisioning Timer Job
encountered an exception: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the
registry key
is denied.
I almost always encounter an issue of some kind when provisioning the User Profile Synchronization Service but this is the first time I’ve seen these errors. Luckily it didn’t take long to fix as I had identified the service account specified was not a member of the local administrators group, which is a requirement during the provisioning process.
Ensure the service account used by the UPSA service is a member of the local administrators group on the SharePoint server during the provisioning process.
I followed under given URL which saved lot of my time. It is a very detailed article which also provided information about the user registration on Active Directory too. Hope this might help someone else to same few minutes.