SharePoint 2013 – Distributed Cache stuck on Starting
I have added a new cache host to a SharePoint 2013 farm using the Add-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstance cmdlet. However, in Central Administration the service shows that it is stuck on Starting. If I use the Get-SPServiceInstance cmdlet then I can see that it is still provisioning:
Get-SPServiceInstance | ? {($_.service.tostring()) -eq “SPDistributedCacheService Name=AppFabricCachingService”} | select Server, Status
I tried to fix this by removing the service instance and adding it again, but that didn’t work. However, I found that it did work after installing the latest cumulative update for AppFabric 1.1 – here are the steps:
1. Gracefully stop the Distributed Cache Service instance:
Stop-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstance – Graceful
2. Remove the Distributed Cache Service instance:
3. Install Cumulative Update 5 for AppFabric 1.1 on all servers in the farm
4. Create the new instance:
5. Start the new service in Central Administration
Thank god you made this post. Seriously, you have no idea.
I came here to say what Michael said. I had the exact same problem and this is the only place on the Internet with the solution.
Thanks again for this post.