AutoSPInstaller error – failed to create the ‘Cache Profiles’ list.
While installing SharePoint 2019 with AutoSPInstaller I encountered an error at the point it starts to create a site collection. Here is the error message: Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: Provisioning did not succeed. Details: Failed to create the ‘Cache Profiles’ list. OriginalException: Invalid…
AutoSPInstaller error – Custom file location is not accessible
While installing SharePoint 2019 with AutoSPInstaller () I encountered the following error: Error: Custom file location is not accessible This was a simple oversight on my part – I was running the installer in offline mode and neglected to copy…
AutoSPInstaller – stuck on Running Prerequisite Installer (online mode)
I am using AutoSPInstaller to install SharePoint 2016 on multiple Windows 2016 servers. It has finished what it needs to do on the local server and has started installing on the first remote server. However, it has been stuck for a few hours…
The search service is not able to connect to the machine that hosts the administration component
I have discovered a problem with the Search Service Application in my DR farm. Any query in the Enterprise Search Centre produces an error: Search has encountered a problem that prevents results from being returned. If the issue persists, please…

SharePoint 2013 – AutoSPInstaller hangs at "Creating Metadata Service Application…"
I have noticed several times when using AutoSPInstaller that it hangs at “Creating Metadata Service Application”. So far I haven’t managed to work out why this happens, but the only workaround I have found is to close the PowerShell window…
AutoSPInstaller support for SharePoint 2016
AutoSPInstaller now supports SharePoint 2016 since the release of the SharePoint 2016 Preview back in August. It also supports installation on Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 3. I understand there are some known issues to I suggest reading more about…
AutoSPInstaller – Warning: Couldn’t create remote session to SERVERNAME; trying again
I’ve now used AutoSPInstaller to build multi-server farms several times, and often come across new issues (not the fault of AutoSPInstaller, I should add). Today the script has got stuck in a loop when trying to provision the User Profile…

Update-SPSecureStoreMasterKey – Secure Store Service did not performed the operation
If AutoSPInstaller fails while provisioning the Secure Store Service Application you may encounter this error: – Provisioning Secure Store Service Application… – Secure Store Service Application already provisioned. – Creating the Master Key… Update-SPSecureStoreMasterKey : Secure Store Service did not…

AutoSPInstaller – error connecting to remote server
I’m using AutoSPInstaller to build a multi-server SharePoint 2013 farm on Windows 2012R2 for the first time. All has gone well up to the point of configuring the remote servers. It fails with this error: New-PSSession : [SERVER2] Connecting to…