Using Symantec Backup Exec to backup SharePoint

As I use Symantec BackupExec on my network I have purchased the agent for SharePoint.  This will allow me to backup the entire server or farm with the ability to perform a granluar restore.

To backup the SharePoint server efficiently I’ll be adhering to these best practices:

  • Use an account with local administrative privileges on each server
  • Use the BackupExec agent to backup the default SQL databases (master, model, msdb)
  • Endure GRT (Granular Restore Technology is enabled
  • Keep a record of all service packs and hotfixes installed on each SharePoint server as a restore may fail if databases were backed up with different patch levels
  • Make backup selections from the appropriate farm as opposed to individual servers

SharePoint 2010 is not supported by BackupExec 12.5 so I’ll be using BackupExec 2010.  Here’s a screenshot of my backup job:BackupExec_Job

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