SharePoint Diagnostic Studio 2010

Although I installed the SharePoint Administration Toolkit some time ago I’ve only just found the time to have a good look at what it includes.  And I’m glad I did, as I discovered The SharePoint Diagnostic Tool.

The main role of the diagnostic studio is to run reports that can aid a SharePoint administrator in monitoring the health of a farm and track down issues by gathering information and delivering this in a unified view in a single interface.

SPDiag provides a selection of predefined reports, and these are broken down into five categories; Base, Capacity, Performance, Availability and Usage.

Follow these steps to get started and create some reports:

  1. Open SharePoint Diagnostic Studio and click New Project
  2. Enter the server name and click Create Project (you may need to wait while some components are installed)
  3. The following screen is generated to give an overview:


In order to create reports just expand the tree view in the Reports Pane, bottom left, and double click the desired report.  Depending on your setup they may take a few minutes to run.

The following is a screenshot of the Performance Counters report:


The following is a screenshot of the Application Workload report:


Note: Be weary of the American date format when creating reports – this always throws me!  I haven’t found a way to correct this yet.

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