The local farm is not accessible (SharePoint 2010)
I have just opened the SharePoint Management Shell on a WFE server to be presented with a message I haven’t seen before: The local farm is not accessible. Cmdlets with FeatureDependencyId are not registered. When searching for a solution to…
Example SQL query to backup a database to disk
This sample SQL query can be executed to backup a site collection database to a file, where WSS_Content_Intranet is the name of the database used by the Site Collection. Use WSS_Content_Intranet DBCC Shrinnkfile (‘WSS_Content_Intranet’) DBCC Shrinnkfile (‘WSS_Content_Intranet_log’) Go Backup Database WSS_Content_Intranet To Disk…
Configuring a Thesauraus for Search
I have just stumbled upon the Thesaurus for SharePoint Search which allows an administrator to configure replacements and synonyms for search queries. These can be very useful when one or more common terms are used to search for the same…
Configuring Noise Words for Search
Noise words are words that are disregarded during a search and SharePoint includes some predefined noise words, such as it, is and a. To further refine search results I have added additional words to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\14.0\Data\Office Server\Applications\GUID-query-0\config\noiseenu.txt using a…

Automating SharePoint backup using Windows PowerShell
I have just started using the following PowerShell script to backup an entire farm to disk every night, the script is called by the Windows Task Scheduler (running the task as the Farm Administrator account). Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell Backup-SPFarm -Directory \\WW-Backup\SharePointBackup…

PowerShell script to show the access request email address for all sites
I have written this script to determine whether or not Access Requests are enabled for each site within a given Site Collection, and if so display the email address specified. The colour coded output makes it easy to see which…

Modify the number of backup threads
By default SharePoint is configured to use 3 backup threads. This can be increased to improve performance and reduce the amount of time taken to backup large farms. However, the log files can become more difficult to read. These are…

Script the installation of SharePoint Server prerequisites
If your SharePoint server does not have Internet access then it will not be able to download some of the required components during installation. To workaround this, download the files on another computer and copy them to the PrerequisiteInstallerFiles folder….