SharePoint 2013 – create a new eDiscovery Centre
An eDiscovery site can be used to search for, preserve and export content in SharePoint, Exchange or Skype for Business (formerly known as Lync). To create a new site collection for eDiscovery just follow these simple steps: Log in to…
We’re having a problem opening this location in File Explorer
When clicking the Open with Explorer button in the library ribbon, the following message is displayed: We’re having a problem opening this location in File Explorer. Add this location to your Trusted Sites list and try again. Sometimes adding the URL…
SharePoint 2013 – Using CSS to hide the left navigation on a page
The following CSS is useful if you want to hide the navigation on the left hand side of a page: <style type=”text/css”> /* — Hide the quick launch — */ #sideNavBox { display: none; } #contentBox { margin-left: 20px…

Windows could not start the SharePoint 2010 Administration Service
I have restored our SharePoint 2010 farm in a lab ahead of a disaster recovery test and everything seemed to go well apart from being unable to start the SharePoint 2010 Administration service – it threw this error message: Windows…
SharePoint 2010 Licensing
Several people have asked me about SharePoint licensing. Given that SharePoint 2010 is available in three editions (Foundation, Standard and Enterprise), each offering a different set of capabilities to meet different needs, it can be quite difficult to understand what…
Using SharePoint Designer 2010
I have just downloaded and installed SharePoint Designer 2010, a powerful application that makes it easy to design and manage custom sites and pages with no coding experience required. It’s a 250MB download and is easy to install using the…

Installing SharePoint Foundation 2010 – Standalone
My first installation of SharePoint 2010 will be quite straight forward as it will only consist of a single server and won’t be part of a farm. This means that I won’t require a Farm Administrator account. So, once presented…
Welcome to Adventures in SharePoint
Hello and welcome to Adventures in SharePoint – a new blog about exactly that. What is SharePoint? SharePoint is a Microsoft technology that allows a company to host intranet based web pages for collaboration, file sharing and web publishing. Who…